The Time Portal 5: The Nazi Page 21
The priest looked indignant. “I do God’s work.”
“What you do isn’t God’s work. It’s the work of the devil, and you are the instrument the devil uses to do his work. So don’t preach to me about how you’re doing God’s work. Now shut up or I will shut you up permanently.”
Keisling added, “Why don’t you let me do it for you? I can do it now, and no one will be the wiser.”
“No! I don’t kill people if I don’t have to. I have other plans for you, Father Thomas Rodriguez of the inquisition. I’m going to give you a taste of your own medicine.” Lucky turned to Keisling. “We’re here; now don’t let go of me.”
Lucky squinted his eyes and looked narrowly out of the portal, where he saw workers hauling stone towards the great pyramid of Cheops to be used in its construction. “It’s tight in here, but squeeze past me and take a look at what’s going on.”
Keisling looked and his eyes widened in disbelief. “What manner of madness is this?”
“You are looking at the building of the great pyramid of Cheops, one of the seven wonders of the world.”
Recognition set in. “I have seen this pyramid when I passed through Egypt in the first crusade. But it is only now being built. How can this be?”
“I’ve taken you back 3600 years in time. You are seeing it being built.”
The priest made numerous signs of the cross while saying his prayers.
“Bring the priest to me.” Keisling grabbed Father Rodriguez by his neck and dragged him through the tight space to Lucky. “Take a look outside, Father. You are going to help build the pyramid.”
“No, please. I don’t want to be here. Take me back. Please.”
“That’s not going to happen, Father.” After telling him that, Lucky pushed the priest out of the portal, where he fell face down onto the Giza plateau, knocking over a group of sunburned skinny workers who cried out in alarm and interrupted their work. The interruption alerted a guard with a whip, and he came running over to see what the commotion was. He immediately seized the person causing the disruption and, seeing that he was an intruder, he dragged him through the debris that littered the ground to a large rock with steel rings protruding from it. He secured the stranger to the rings with ropes with his back facing him, and then he proceeded to give him twenty lashes. After the whipping, he threw him to a gang of workers, who were busy dragging a large stone towards the second level of the pyramid. “Go to work now. That will teach you some respect.”
Satisfied that Father Rodriguez would bother him no longer, Lucky said, “Let’s get back to the castle.”
Keisling murmured, “Remind me never to get on the wrong side of you.”
Princess Krystina, Lucky, and Keisling were in the garden sitting near Tor, who was sitting up and recuperating nicely. His face had color in it once again, and he was getting stronger each passing day.
Krystina gazed lovingly at her husband. “Will my husband be leaving me soon, or has he decided to remain here with the woman who loves him?”
With a ghost of a smile on his lips, Lucky said, “Since my powers have left me in a weakened state, I have decided to remain here with the people I care for.”
Keisling remarked. “If what I witnessed was you in your weakened state, I would hate to see you when you have full command of all of your powers.”
Everyone laughed lightheartedly. This was a good time to be alive. Everyone was happy, Tor would live a while longer, and Lucky was among his friends, especially his new friend, Leonard Keisling, who he had taken a real liking to. He reminded Lucky of his buddies back in the future. He was bright, courageous, and honorable; these were the qualities Lucky looked for in a friend and Keisling had them all.
As Lucky sat back on his comfortable lounge, surrounded by people he cared for, he thought for a moment about Rufio and Leonardo and his promise to return to them if they ever needed his help. With his ability to create a portal neutralized, he didn’t see how he could keep his promise . . . but that was a problem for another time.
©Black Horse Publishing
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All of Joe Corso’s books are available online.
The Time Portal Series
The Old Man and the King
The Starlight Club Series
The Revenge of John W
The Adventures of the Lone Jack Kid
The Comeback
Engine 24: Fire Stories
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